A de-Novo Assembler for RNA-Seq data
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GitHub Quick Start Article/Analysis

Ananas is an assembler for paired-end Illumina RNA-Seq reads.

Following the read-overlap graph concept, it performs particularly well on mixed-species, i.e. metatranscriptome data sets.

Unlike de Bruijn graph assemblers, Ananas keeps track of each read throughout the assembly process:
  1. First, it collapses identical reads to reduce the overlap space.

  2. Next, it uses a prefix array to find an exhaustive set of overlaps.

Because of that, the overall memory usage and runtime depend more on the complexity of the RNA-Seq data rather than the number of input reads.

In an A*-type search, it then evaluates different paths through the overlap graph, and ranks hypotheses based on how many pairs support the hypothesis.
It does this in a two-step process that first aims at separating the data into smaller sets (the equivalent of Trinity components), and then re-evaluates different isoforms.

In addition to providing better specificity on mixed-species data sets than de Bruijn graph assemblers, it also performs better on complex and/or repetitive transcripts.

Ananas overview

Flowchart outlining the Ananas components, starting with read grouping, overlapping, and contig/scaffold creation resulting in assembled transcripts.

Ananas flowchart